Elvstrom Sails New England

Designed to Perform - Built to Last

Harding Sails Exclusive New England Distributor
Elvstrøm Sails

New England based Harding Sails celebrated 50 years of sail making in 2015. As of January 2017, Harding Sails has added an additional 60 years of sail making experience to their company credentials by teaming up with world-class Danish sailmakers: Elvstrøm Sails.

Graham Quinn, president of Harding Sails affirms, “We are proud to become part of this traditional and strong brand, which I am confident our market and customers will welcome onboard. A renowned sailmaker for more than 60 years, Elvstrøm Sails is one of the largest sail makers in Europe with a strategic focus on superior sail design and construction complemented by excellent customer service. I think that sounds quite like our philosophy at Harding Sails.”

Harding Sails is developing a region wide network, keeping the loft in Marion as the hub to fulfill the needs of customers and sub-dealers. “With our well established market presence and our reputation for quality and service, we are confident this will serve everyone,” Quinn added.

  • Elvstrom Sails
  • Elvstrom Sails
  • Elvstrom Sails
  • Elvstrom Sails
  • Elvstrom Sails
  • Elvstrom Sails
  • Elvstrom Sails
  • Elvstrom Sails

At Elvstrøm Sails, every sail is unique, designed and built to meet the requirements of each customer. As a top industry innovator, Elvstrøm Sails proudly holds the patent on their flagship product, EPEX membrane sails. “You can see why I believe this partnership will benefit our customers!” stated Quinn.

Contact us to see how the Harding/Elvstrøm team can provide you with the very finest in sails and service. (Request quote)

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Harding Sails
Elvstrøm Sails New England
732 Mill Street (Route 6)
Marion, MA 02738, USA
508-748-0334 (fax 508-748-2903)
Copyright © 2008-2025 Harding Sails, Inc.