Elvstrom Sails New England

Designed to Perform - Built to Last

Career Opportunities

About our Company

Harding Sails is the largest independent custom sail making company in Southeastern New England. The company was established in 1965 and has just celebrated its 50th Anniversary. We design and manufacture high quality performance sails and marine canvas that is at the top of its class in quality and workmanship. Our high quality products are sought out not only in New England and the USA but internationally as well.

Job #TitleDescription
#3Marine Canvas FabricatorWe are currently looking for someone to join our team working in the marine canvas and upholstery department. Candidates with commercial stitching experience as well as trained marine canvas workers are encouraged to apply.
#1Sail Maker or Marine Canvas FabricatorIf you are an experienced Sail Maker or Marine Canvas Fabricator, please contact us.

Send Cover Letter and Resume to hr@hardingsails.com

Harding Sails
Harding Sail Canvas

Harding Sails
Elvstrøm Sails New England
732 Mill Street (Route 6)
Marion, MA 02738, USA
508-748-0334 (fax 508-748-2903)
Copyright © 2008-2025 Harding Sails, Inc.